The Stage 32 Videos: Sean Murdock|

"The Lost Orange" Trailer

"The Lost Orange" written by Kris Kemp A Gravity Films Production in association with RedHanded Imagery, LLC. Starring Kris Kemp [@bicycledays] Sarah Nia [@sarahnianyc] and featuring  Tatyana Cooper [@moon_tlc] Ben Cosso [@bencosso] Keneisha Green Nicholas Searles [@i_am_nick_searles] Randie Greaves [@chrystyoungnyc] Stuart Engleson [@stuthejew] @sweeetfacep Shana Kaplan [@sek1128] KateMeher [@katemeher] and more #Story by @bicycledays Directed, edited and shot by Sean Murdock for RedHanded Imagery Still and Behind the Scenes
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